Humans, by our very nature, are storytellers. Whether that be via the genre of writing, acting, photography, singing or by any other means of self-expression, it's all the same thing. My stories are told via my art. And my art has tails.
As an equine artist, of course, my art has horses. Many horses! Perhaps those whom are not familiar with such ungulates (animals with hooves) will scratch their head and wonder how on earth a story could be told via art depicting horses? Simples! The horses themselves are the vessels that carry the story to my viewer. Kind of like the postie who delivers your mail. The gas bill doesn't magically appear in your letter box, (although I wish it would magically disappear!). It needs to be placed there. My horses deliver the story to the art.
My story-carrying horses are not planned to the nth degree. Whilst I have a vision, and 99 percent of the time, a vision of the completed artwork, I do not sit down and do a first draft. I sit down and just begin. I do select my colour palette, but that is it. I rely on my intuition, willingness to play and learn and make mistakes. Sooner or later, something emerges; a background that I like or love. And so the story begins! MOON RITES evolved from a stencil I had used as the first layer of the background. It reminded me of the moon. The horse's outline reminded me of feminine curves, and the colour palette reminded me of a book cover. It all added up without any intention to the book, Moon Rites by Michelle Royce. The book was gifted to me, and so I gifted myself this artwork.
To be a storyteller one must be ready to delve into yourself and explore the conscious and subconscious. There may be stories you do not wish to reveal, so there is a space for holding back and not allowing that horse to gallop ahead. But my story, in turn, my art, should never be restricted, and whilst I do not depict violent, graphic or gruesome images in my art, (I won't even depict racehorses due to my despise of the racing industry) it doesn't mean my stories are always happy wholesome fairytales. ETHEREAL BLUES came about after my brother's passing. Emerged from the blue/turquoise palette was a depressed, heartbroken and negative story of how grief is blind to others. I felt totally and wholly alone. And I was in pain.
Sometimes stories come to me when I least expect them. Sometimes the stories are so profound and meaningful, they even blow me away! What we are thinking and feeling and yearning and needing is only a story away. That is why art is so therapeutic. It allows us to channel ourselves; dive into what makes us happy or sad; fearful or triumphant. Art is a gift, and so is storytelling. FEARLESS evolved from my chosen New Year word for 2020 (although the artwork wasn't completed until January 2021). I no longer wanted my art to be in control of me. I didn't want to live in my world of 'it has to be perfect, otherwise it's shit'. I wanted to start telling stories via my art instead of merely just drawing and being an artist who was consumed by perfection. By giving a long rein to this part of me, my horses started bringing forth the tales within.
When we express ourselves, there is a never-ending chasm of stories yet to be told. And we don't need to be world-famous poets or Pulitzer Prize novelists. We can be a humble artist who follows her passion and path in life. Who cannot live without her craft and sense of self. Who knows now the power of horses and the power of words combine to mould into original, beautiful and unique artworks that possess limitless stories. I have the best of both worlds - my stories are visual. I can literally draw and paint my stories for all to see and search and reveal. What I know doesn't mean that is what you know. REQUIEM was the original title of this piece. After I had posted the completed artwork on my social media, I had one comment that said '...through a veil of tears'. I then had a collector who purchased the artwork stating it reminded them of their beautiful grey Arabian who passed away. His name was Dream. We decided to retitle the artwork, REQUIEM FOR DREAM.
It's not only my stories that are told.
And so the story comes to an end. Or does it? I know for a fact there are many sequels to come! As is my endless need to create, there is a need to be heard, and as I am not one to be the centre of attention or amass six-figure followers on social media, I will stick to my preference of being alone in my studio, with my music and inspiration turned on. To sit down and see how my next artwork will originate, and the story it will tell.
P.S. Now in the age of AI I just wish to add that these are my words, not a computer program, as are my artworks - 100% handmade, human made and bound by my life, my mind and my heart.